Monday 16 March 2020

I'm Proud to tell the world that I have Over 250 Children from Different Mothers - Prophet Israel Oladele Ogundipe.

Family is not defined by our Genes, It is built and maintained through Love" 

There are so many kids in this world and in this country that need homes, love and to be cared for. Lots of children have been rejected, even thrown away by wicked / confused parents, while some parent lost their lives at child's birth and some, were inevitably tragic. 

Now! the question is, 'Do we blame these innocent children'? Do we condemn them by reason of what they know nothing about?? Do we leave them to waste away in the world of rejection and hate???

I want you to know that, 'Adoption is not the call to have the perfect, rosy family. But, It is the call to give love, mercy, and patience.'😊🤗

~ Here, Prophet Israel Oladele Ogundipe, Shepherd in charge of CCC Genesis Global, during the Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, introduced his children from "Ijamido Children's Home". The Prophet was so proud to tell the world he has over 250 Children....and he[Prophet Israel Oladele Ogundipe] added, "These children are not orphans, I am their Father and my wife, their Mother, we are so blessed to have them as our beloved children".

May God bless His servant - the Prophet, and the good works he does through the Grace and wisdom of God. Halleluyah!🌈🙏

#children #ourheritage #mercy #love #parent #adoption #grace #ccc #cccgenesisglobal #israeloladeleministries #genesisglobal #wiredtoexcel

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