Wednesday 20 March 2019

Israeloladeleministries: Practise giving God is building you up to become a billionaire.

 It is so true that where your treasure is, there your heart is also. God saved you and brought you into the Kingdom of abundance. That is your abode! That is your home.

Now if you are in the kingdom and you are suffering, it is not God’s fault. God has made all things available to you. Indeed, all things are yours, but you must be rightly positioned.

 I believe that the widow of Zarephath to whom God sent prophet Elijah was a giver. That was why the man of God told her what to do and she did not argue.

 If you do not have the heart of a giver, you will argue every instruction to give.
God so loved the world that He gave.

 If you love God, give to Him. If you love Him, sow into His kingdom. No one, including students, should come into His church and say: 

“I don’t have anything to give”, you go home and you are happy. If you are a student and you have pocket money, give tithe from it and give offering from it.

Practise giving from now because God is building you up to become a billionaire. 

You must learn it from now.

How can you get there when you are already holding back from God? 

#MercyOnceAgain #iom


  1. So true, my mentor and spiritual father. I pray to God today to make the act of giving effortless for me


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