Monday, 10 September 2018

Weekly Edification with Prophet Israel Oladele

Happy new week dearly beloved, I welcome you all to this new week, am so excited and grateful to God for the successful completion of our annual program “Bethel 2018”, where God manifested himself and rekindled his covenant with us, I am most certain that with this will come great manifestation and mind blowing testimonies (Amen)

Opening verse: Exodus 34:27-28
Then the Lord said to Moses,Write these words, for according to the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with you…and he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments.

We all know that we have a convenant keeping God, even in His all powerful grandeur He is faithful and keeps to His words and promises…..
If He comes into a convenant with one, He keeps his end of His bargain, infact most times it is us his children that often falter in our promises.

You see God’s visions for our lives are always clear and defined, we relate this term also to be purpose and destiny. God would communicate to us at some point in our lives what He desires of us and for us, He will state His intent and reward, and He always gives a guarantee of His unfailing love.

When we accept and believe these words, promises and instructions, we have then come into convenant with Him, He then will begin to do His own part of the bargain, and will begin to empower us and gather together resources to enable us to be that which we ought to be. His word says in Isaiah 2 vs 19, “if ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land”. Also in Jeremiah 29 vs 11 “my thoughts for you are thoughts of good and not of evil that you might have an expected end”.
Being in covenant with God empowers us, gives us the power to walk and achieve purpose, the power to excel, to flourish, to be who we are, to rise and also to take dominion in all that we do and all that concern us.

1Cor4:20 for the kingdom of God is not in words but in power.
Many of God’s soldiers and the Israelites had a lasting convenant with God, from Abraham which flowed down his generations. We the adopted children also benefit from this.
This convenant preserved the lives and destinies of these people for them to fulfill that which they ought to be, and thereby walking in power by it.
Amos 3 vs 3 says ” can two walk together unless they agree,?
Our faith, obedience and love for God will put us in convenant with Him and thus make us walk in power and dominion.
Please understand and embrace this my brethren in the Lord. We shall all come out victorious.

I pray and decree into this week that the
Lord will open our eyes to see, and our ears to hear that which the Lord is showing and saying…..
-His convenant with us shall not be erased
-We shall not fail God, our family, our church and ourselves in Jesus mighty Name.
-By next year’s “Bethel 2019” we shall have great testimonies to give.
Go into this week all powered up and be unstoppable.

Your loving Shepherd
Prophet Dr Israel Oladele Ogundipe

Mediate on these: Phillipians 4:8


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