No matter how bad the situation is, it can still turn around. In our text, the prophet Ezekiel was in the valley of dry bones. I mean the Bible describes the bones as being ‘very dry’.

This shows that based on natural assessment, this was a dead issue, forgotten issue; there was no hope at all. There was absolutely no sign of life; it was a hopeless situation, but God. With God, there is nothing like hopelessness, no matter how impossible a situation is, our God is able to turn it around.
Ezekiel was in the midst of these bones, and the Lord asked him a question saying, “…Son of man, can these bones live?” To the average person, it’s like what type of question is this? Live how? It’s not even remotely possible, but I like Ezekiel’s response, he said to God “O Lord God You know.”

#standout #MercyOnceAgain #mmm4 #iom #GenesisGlobal#letstalkaboutfashion2019
#ronishratisblog - #regrann
This shows that based on natural assessment, this was a dead issue, forgotten issue; there was no hope at all. There was absolutely no sign of life; it was a hopeless situation, but God. With God, there is nothing like hopelessness, no matter how impossible a situation is, our God is able to turn it around.
Ezekiel was in the midst of these bones, and the Lord asked him a question saying, “…Son of man, can these bones live?” To the average person, it’s like what type of question is this? Live how? It’s not even remotely possible, but I like Ezekiel’s response, he said to God “O Lord God You know.”
#standout #MercyOnceAgain #mmm4 #iom #GenesisGlobal#letstalkaboutfashion2019
#ronishratisblog - #regrann
well done sir