Friday 22 March 2019

Israeloladeleministries - No situation is hopeless if God is involved.

No matter how bad the situation is, it can still turn around. In our text, the prophet Ezekiel was in the valley of dry bones. I mean the Bible describes the bones as being ‘very dry’. 

This shows that based on natural assessment, this was a dead issue, forgotten issue; there was no hope at all. There was absolutely no sign of life; it was a hopeless situation, but God. With God, there is nothing like hopelessness, no matter how impossible a situation is, our God is able to turn it around. 

Ezekiel was in the midst of these bones, and the Lord asked him a question saying, “…Son of man, can these bones live?” To the average person, it’s like what type of question is this? Live how? It’s not even remotely possible, but I like Ezekiel’s response, he said to God “O Lord God You know.” 

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